Work! Work! Work!
Hurrah! I'm giddy as a kid on Christmas morning :) Landed my first real job today :)))) How cool is that?!
Writing history? None, if you count writing poetry, songs, and random doodles on the back of your notebook while class is on going or a brief stint as a literary editor of my high school newspaper an experience. and oh. blogging ofcourse.
B for brimming, brain and bea. Lol. Aja! Trust please :) What's so hard in racking your brains for the right words and typing them? None! Drab drab drab. Talk talk talk. Yada yada.*to self* Encouraged now?
Too bad I have only one month of vacation left. No worries! I can still make the most out of this. Hopefully I'd be as efficient as expected. No warnings please. While I'm blogging about this, I actually have a project ongoing and time is ticking! *gasp*
So I'm going back to work. The good thing about this is I have my own time. Sleep, Lazy, Eat, Lazy, Work, Sleep. Hmm not bad. LOL :D Ciao bella!