Work! Work! Work!

Hurrah! I'm giddy as a kid on Christmas morning :) Landed my first real job today :)))) How cool is that?!

I'll be writing for an online website from now on.

Writing history? None, if you count writing poetry, songs, and random doodles on the back of your notebook while class is on going or a brief stint as a literary editor of my high school newspaper an experience. and oh. blogging ofcourse.

B for brimming, brain and bea. Lol. Aja! Trust please :) What's so hard in racking your brains for the right words and typing them? None! Drab drab drab. Talk talk talk. Yada yada.*to self*  Encouraged now?

Too bad I have only one month of vacation left. No worries! I can still make the most out of this. Hopefully I'd be as efficient as expected. No warnings please. While I'm blogging about this, I actually have a project ongoing and time is ticking! *gasp*

So I'm going back to work. The good thing about this is I have my own time. Sleep, Lazy, Eat, Lazy, Work, Sleep. Hmm not bad. LOL :D Ciao bella!

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