Bonus Room - Flexible Space for Future Use

When planning for a new home, we don’t necessarily think we would out grow it someday. But change is inevitable and needs and wants continue to differ over time.  It is important to think about house plans that include flexible space for future use. The easiest solution for this is to create a bonus room.

A bonus room is an extra space that could be used for anything, maybe as a family room, hobby room, home cinema, library, game room, den or office and can even be a guest room. It’s basically a multi-purpose area. The trend now is to create flexible space that can be modified for future use. These rooms turned out to be very popular because they offer the flexibility to construct a unique space that fits the exact needs and lifestyle of the owner. The great thing about a bonus room is that you can build this anytime you want, may it be on your new home or existing one. Bonus rooms are often built over a garage but they can really be anyplace on any level of the house. Look out for plans that may suit your style. 

Serving as playroom, home office, and sometimes a guest room, this is the hardest-working space in the house. Here are some tips and decoration ideas to turn your bonus room into a creative masterpiece:

The solution in designing a room above your garage is to improve on the narrow walls. A long hallway can be adorned with hooks and art displays. You don't have to set away precious floor space, pocket doors slide back into the wall. Place the wall cabinets where books and other art supplies are easy to reach. Stay organized by making sure you have lots of storage space and built-ins.

 Deck a bonus room with home accessories, smart furniture picks, and storage solutions. Add color and personality to a room by using throw pillows. To add texture and avoid mess, store stuff in several natural baskets. Keep urgent notes or hang creative works on a message board.  Organize small office supplies with a small craft tote. Don't forget to add quirky accents like mirrors, fun art and plants to show your personal taste.

Take advantage of the natural lighting, a place tucked between the corner desk and storage cabinet offers a comfy seating area for reading without taking up additional floor space.

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