Quirky Facts About Me

Hi there! I thought I should do this before I sleep so I can take my mind off things and relax. It has been a really long day and tomorrow won't get any better. A big party is going to happen and I am so rushed for it.

So as you can see or read, I am weird. We all have that brand of weirdness that sets us apart. And this are mine :)


1. I like my eggs burnt. 
And I don't mean burnt to ashes or burnt inedible. I like my sunny side ups burned 'round the edges. I don't know why or maybe I do. They taste better, kinda like bacon and less slimy. Almost forgot, I also hate them runny so I purposely break the yolk sometimes :))

2. I can't sleep with the lights on.
It should probably be with the lights off since it's dark and we get this notion of monsters or something. Ha! But then again, one can do dastardly deeds in the dark. Lol! I hate to leave the lights on. I like to conserve energy. Nah! It shines like the sun and I can't stand it.

3. or without my pillow to hug and blanket.
So yeah. Let's pretend I'm this blonde. I can't sleep without my pillow. I need to hug it. This totally looks like a forever alone scene. Ha! I have to be covered with my blanket too. Even if it's so hot, I still can't sleep without them. But the  real quirky thing is, I leave my foot out. I don't cover it.

4. I study for tests by re-writing.
I write my own notes then I write them again. Yep! That's how I study. I remember it more when I do. I'm glad I have this great memory where I can remember most things. But then again, don't borrow my notes. I have my own font :)) And basically I have a system where arrows, shapes and abbreviations are involved.

5. The Deadline Syndrome
I have this weird tick where I can't sleep when I don't finish something especially if the deadline's near. I experience this at work occasionally. I dream of words, what I'm going to write, the topics and the deadline looming at me. It's frustrating and good at the same time. Frustrating since I can't sleep and good since I always meet the deadline. Okay, almost always.

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