Keeping Room - Does Your House Design Include One?

The keeping room is the latest must-have room for any home. Dating as far back as the colonial times, these are rooms attached to the kitchen where the area could be heated by stove for relief and warmth during winters. As it is the only warm place in the house, small children and babies would sleep in here.
The keeping room has traveled fast in the present as a new must-have room but it will always be  near the kitchen, regardless of its size. Nowadays, a keeping room can be called family room or hearth room. Homeowners working in the kitchen will be able to watch over their children playing or watching television. Entertaining will not be a problem, as it is easy to talk to the guest while you are in the kitchen. It is considered as a gathering place. 

Homes have more possibilities to sell because of the keeping rooms, as they are very popular rooms that are well used. It’s a place where the whole family can relax, watch television, do homework, check ipads, or gaze into the embers.  A fireplace is the main attraction in many keeping rooms today. Nothing beats gathering around the fire with family and friends on a cold winter night. The warmth from the fireplace on a cold day and the scent of burning wood adds a pleasant mood to any home. Fireplaces make great get-together spots and many families enjoy lounging around the fire.

The kitchen has clearly become a new living space. The kitchen, where we usually cook meals, is now the hub of family activity, whether it's doing homework at the kitchen island, creating a family meal or preparing for a large party, or sitting down for a casual dinner at the breakfast nook. Either if it’s an old-time idea that adds depth and space for more interact ion in modern kitchens, or it’s a great reason to extend the kitchen even more, keeping rooms are fantastic places to get together and spend some much needed quiet and simple time together as a family. Whether you call it a den, a family room, hearth room or a keeping room, just be sure to create wonderful memories as you enjoy this space with your family and friends.

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