With A Bang!

A few more hours and this year would end.

With a bang is amusingly perfect as a post title since it literally conveys what happens during New Year's Eve. It also satisfies the meaning of an idiom, "to go out with a bang" or to end something in a great way.

I'm taking this few hours left to look back and be thankful.

2013 taught me that:
(reminded me) 

I'm never alone. I just think I am. If we stop and ask other people, may it be family or friends, they would help us. It's really not a bother and it's more offensive if you think that way.

This too shall pass. Bad things, depressing events, stressful moments are not forever. We have to remember that like all things, they do have an end. Looking to the future in these kinds of situations lessens the bad. 

I've read this somewhere but I can't seem to recall where and when, It's not your fault. Things happen because it's natural to happen, like storms and tornadoes. If you can accept that, life would become 10000 times easier. 

Things change. If there's anything that doesn't change, it's change. Ha! In short, change is constant. Change is good or bad depending on how you view and accept it. 

Take a chance. The same old thing may be comfortable and convenient but let's admit it, sooner or later things will be boring. Opportunities will pass you by without you even noticing it. Take chances, life is a great adventure.

Smile :) 

Love. And the greatest of this is love. Love those around you. Show them that you care. Even the little things count, sometimes, those things are even the sweetest. But don't forget, love yourself.

Give thanks. Be thankful not just for good things but also for the not-so good ones. Remember that bad things may also be blessings in disguise. 

A few more hours and this year would end. But endings are also beginnings. 

Let's go out with a bang and look forward to the things that lie ahead. 

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